How to Bleed a Floor Jack – An Ultimate Guide for Begginers

How to Bleed a Floor JackFloor jacks are an important mechanical instrument used for lifting cars and other heavy objects. They use hydraulic power to help build up pressure that uplifts objects.

A floor jacks job description includes lifting extremely heavy objects therefore it’s crucial that they are always in a good condition. Bleeding a floor jack at good time intervals is an important part of its upkeep. 

Regularly floor jack bleeding helps maintain its quality and prevents any sudden failures while in use.

It is quite a risk to use a floor jack while it still has some air inside therefore it is an important task to bleed the jack before using it. You may potentially put yourself at risk and damage property if you face a floor jack malfunction. 

How to Bleed a Floor Jack

The process of bleeding a floor jack is not as complicated as it sounds. If you do it once you’re set for doing it all over again whenever need be. Any handyman can easily do it with the basic know-how of mechanical equipment.

We have gathered all the information you need to know and the steps you should follow to accomplish your task. 

Things You Need

The process of bleeding a screwdriver involves having two main instruments. First, you must have a flathead screwdriver or even a star screwdriver. The second important thing is having hydraulic fluid in handy. It is important to make sure not to use any other type of fluid, it won’t cope well with your floor jack. 

Hydraulic fluid is the only sensible option you have since any other type of fluid will wear out your jack in the long run. Corrosion in the system and decreased durability will leave your floor jack useless. Once you’re ready to go with all your instruments there are only a number of simple steps to follow. 

Instructions to Follow

  1. Get your Floor Jack Ready 

Like any other task, it is first important to get your subject ready. When it comes to floor jacks it is important to place them on a smooth flat surface. It must be thoroughly cleaned of any dirt that might come in the way or enter the system once exposed. If the arm’s connected to any object it must be made rid of it. 

  1. Unfasten the Jack

Keeping the jack attached to a heavy load during the bleeding process can be hazardous. It is important to detach the arm completely before starting the process. The engine hoist too must be detached apart from any other heavy objects. 

  1. Stretch Out the Ram Piston 

The ram piston is the part of the floor jack that is directly beneath the object it lifts. You must start by extending and stretching the ram piston or the lift arm. Once expanded you must pump the jack without loading on it. This must be done till the jack arm point giving support to the saddle is completely extended to its highest point. 

  1. Releasing the Pressure Valve

The pressure valve is the release point for the air built inside. The latest high-quality jacks have their valve points closed at anti-clockwise turns. You must slowly move the valve around clockwise to open it. For older models, the valve is under the handle. Their handles need to be removed altogether to realise air.

Pliers can also be quite helpful in turning the valve to release air pressure. Some valves require flathead screwdrivers to be opened. Once the arm of the jack reaches the lowest point you’ll know that the air has escaped. Only when you see this indication of gas release can you safely go to the next step. 

  1. Unlatch the Filler Plug 

Filler plugs are at different locations for most floor jacks and can be opened easily with the help of flathead or star screwdrivers. As soon as filler plugs start releasing air, a hissing sound will be heard. That is confirmation of gas being released from that interval. 

To know for sure if you’re indeed opening the filler plug, it is mostly quite prominent at the jack’s main body. It will look a lot like a check valve and it is important not to confuse the two. Consulting an instruction manual is a good place to know for sure! 

  1. Reattach the Release Valve 

When you can no longer hear the hissing sound of air releasing, feel free to close the release valve. Once done, check if the jack has sufficient oil or it won’t operate properly. The hydraulic fluid must be inserted till the valve is full, the jack will work like new and efficiently. 

Is the Floor Jack Now Safe to Use? 

In order to ascertain that the floor jack has been bled out properly, you can repeat those steps all over again. Once there is no hissing sound you’ll have your confirmation. No air seeping out and full hydraulic fluid mean you can safely use the floor jack once again. 


We’ve seen how simple and effortless the process of bleeding out a floor jack is. Although it is a quite simple task that you can always consult the instruction manual to know for sure. At the end of the day, it is important to make sure your jack doesn’t need to be bled and if it does, it must be taken care of right away. 

Janathan Greez
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